Friday, November 17, 2006

Don't Put Me in the Doghouse!

Everyone is usually afraid of something.

Whether or not we want to admit it, there are things that drive some type of fear, worry, or terror from the depths of our being.

Facing our fears are the hardest part.

When we do not face our fears, they can develop into a full on phobia. Usually, phobias are completely irrational and the person cannot be convinced otherwise in any way.

I have a phobia.

It stems from something in my childhood that evidently I blocked out. During an episode, someone reminded me of an event that may have helped shaped my entire life so deeply.

I am convinced that I can NEVER get over this fear.

My phobia?

These terrify me to no end:

I kid you not.

One of two things happen when I see Dogs or Puppies.

1) My chest tightens and I cannot breathe. I hyperventilate and pass out

2) I cry hysterically and jump on tables or climb up walls whileshaking violently.

I don't really understand why I am so fearful of them. Even the little ones.

Puppies like these:

in my mind, look more like these:

or him

I think Dogs are evil and I hate them.

I mean for Gods Sake, THEY LIKE TO CHEW ON BONES!!!!!!!! Doesn't that mean anything to you?

They can snap at any time and gnaw your leg off or attack you and chew on your flesh like kibble.

I almost jumped off a boat into the Pacific Ocean because there was a dog on it. I could have risked my own life.

When I go to a party and an uninvited guest Dog appears, I freak out and make a spectacle of myself.They need to lock him up while I am there or I am leaving!

Even while writing this blog, my breath is tightening. My air is becoming short. I am dead serious that even these pictures are terrifying me.

But I am being brave today and writing about this in some hopes for resolution.

Is there no cure for me?

So, what about you... Is there anything that terrifies you?


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