Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sticks and Stones

Brains On!

(For those of you new to my Blogs, they are categorized into Brains On! = Serious, and Brains Off...= Comedic)


Ever hear that old saying, "Words can't hurt you." I beg to differ. What we say affects everyone around us. Our own self included.

Yes, words themselves do not cut the flesh or wound the body. They do however devour the soul. This has been medically proven. Everything that you say has an effect.

For example, if everyday I look in the mirror and tell myself that I am fat and stupid and ugly, I am brainwashing EVERY SINGLE CELL in my body to believe such. After awhile my body WILL change to assume the characteristics I tell them they have.

Belief is the strongest feeling we possess. Its a bit more than "I think I can... I think I can". But truthfully, when you believe with every part of your being that something its possible, IT IS!

The world is full of possibilities and opportunities. I am in charge of my own destiny. As are you.


The study that I love the most is work done by Dr. Emoto. He has proven the immense power that our words, thoughts, and beliefs have on WATER.

What he did was take samples of sterile water. To one vial he proclaimed peace, love, and harmony. To another, he sent hate, war, disdain, etc.

With some vials he plays Rock n Roll music and to others classical music. Then the water is crystallized and magnified under a microscope.

Remember that the human body is made up of roughly 60% water! These are some of his findings:

The word "Angel" is on the left. "Demon" is on the right.

This is "Love"

This is the effect of "You Make Me Sick"

This vial was played "Mozart"

(You can find this and more of Dr. Emoto's work online at www.hado.net. He has also published books on this entitled: Messages from Water.)

It blows my mind.

What do you think? Do our thoughts carry so much power? Or do you think our actions are completely inconsequential?

Look, my blogs are a complete open forum. You do not have to agree with me or follow me like a Lemming. I EXPECT you to have your own thoughts because that is what makes this world unique!

So please dont be reluctant to share or disagree with me. Id love to learn from you! Go!

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