Saturday, November 18, 2006

How to Catch a Coffee from a Predator

A lot of people have been talking about Dateline NBC's How to Catch a Predator and that Hot Psycho Teacher that made every 14 year old boy's dreams come true...

I have been wondering about this topic and trying not to assume or judge anybody but...

Well, let me just share with you something that happened to me THIS VERY MORNING! You tell me what you think.

So you all know that I work and commute to NYC everyday. I wear sneakers and put my nice work shoes, umbrella, lunch, and all my other shit in a big bookbag.

So today, I am in the bakery that I go to every morning to get some Portugese coffee.

I go to pay and this guy behind me gives the girl a dollar and says that he is paying for me. He looked probably in his mid-40s.

I turn around and told him, no thanks and that I would like to pay for it myself but that it was very nice of him to offer...

So he goes, No, No, No you are a student at our school and I want to pay for you.

Now there is a high School down the street that I walk past every morning. I get yelled at all the time for smoking or cutting class and I repeatedly have to tell them that I am not a student!

I laughed and told him, No sir, I am 25 years old!

So everyone starts laughing and at this point I am still thinking he was just some nice teacher.

He says, well your husband is a very lucky man, to which I replied, thank you, and started walking out.

But before I could leave, he looks me up and down and says, Yes...a very lucky man! I thought you were 17...


Doesn't that sound Pedophil-ish to you? I mean I am over-age, so technically he isn't, but


What do you guys think?

Nice Guy, Pedophile, or Just a Plain Old Pervert? Your thoughts!


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pedophile. his 2nd comment was just to save face.